Top jewelry Instagram posts


If you’re like us, you’re addicted to Instagram and can’t wait to see the latest eye candy that awaits a quick glance as you’re sipping your AM coffee, riding the train on your commute to and from work, or just whenever you have a spare minute. But there are times when you can’t always be attached to your phone. So if you’ve missed some of our top jewelry Instagram posts, not to worry. Here’s a quick recap of the eye candy that’s been chalking up the most likes on DPA’s site […]

Slideshow: The prettiest Valentine jewelry

Ever since Valentine’s Day was declared an English holiday back in 1537, people have given gifts. Some of the earliest presents were candles. Greeting cards took off in 1913 when Hallmark produced its first Valentine. And of course, flowers and candy are long-time favorites. But nothing celebrates a lasting love more than a keepsake piece of fine jewelry. Here are four gifting trends we’re loving this Valentine’s day. And a special thanks to Amanda Gizzi, spokesperson for Jewelers of America, who shared some gift-giving advice and some of her favorite pieces with us.