jewelry website

As more customers become comfortable buying expensive jewelry and other luxury goods with their phones and laptops, it’s more important than ever that your storefront extend to your digital presence. You might think that starts with your jewelry website, but according to marketing strategist, Benjamin Smithee, CEO of the Smithee Group, you better have other marketing channels in place to even get people to your website. “Chances are nobody’s going to find you on a google search,” he says. Today people are scrolling though information on their phones and tablets, so it’s more likely that something on Instagram or Facebook stops them and grabs their attention. That’s why jewelry retailers need to think of these social networks as an extension of their websites—and more importantly, make sure that the channels are optimized to really engage customers and make sales. To find out if your digital strategy is working for—not against you—check out Smithee’s four tips.

1. Think of social media as the gateway to your store.

People love virtual window shopping, so you want to be where everyone’s eyeballs are focused, says Smithee. Regularly posting attractive, hi-res images of your merchandise on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and Pinterest are all points of entry to your site that can also bring people to your doorstep.

2. Use videos to engage and educate.

Videos are a great way to liven up a site, promote merchandise, and provide good consumer information. “The right kind of information can build relationships and get people to trust and buy from you,” says Smithee, who suggests posting a weekly video about the products in store and why they’re so cool. You can also use videos to tell stories, for example, coming trends or even the history of your store.

3. Be mobile-minded.

More people are shopping on their mobile devices, so it’s very important that your site is optimized for the mobile environment, says Smithee. “If I’m looking at Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat, I’m probably looking at them on my phone. It’s important for long-form blog content too.”

4. Take a reality check.

Before you invest in sophisticated analytics tools to see whether your digital tactics are working, you can get a good idea with Smithee’s quick check which he calls the four A’s.

° Attention: Are you getting people’s attention? Are they visiting your page views, are they viewing your videos?

° Affinity: Are they liking stuff and commenting?

° Acquisition: Are they clicking through and purchasing?

° Advocacy: Are they spreading the word, referring and sharing you with friends? “One person’s advocacy becomes the next person’s attention. It’s a big circle,” says Smithee.

Bottom line: Your web presence, including social networks, can be your best friend when it comes to connecting with customers today. That’s why it’s important to integrate it into your marketing strategy and the retail experience. If you don’t think your store is ready for the digital revolution or you think your digital plan needs a tune-up DPA is here to help. Call 800-663-6861.